Homing In: A Story Mandala Connecting Adoption, Reunion, and Belonging
I am excited to announce that my book was published in March 2020 with Writelife Publishing! It is an autobiographic work in progress describing the reunion process and the important role synchronicity played, bringing two adopted sisters back to their birth family.
Feel free to explore my book's dedicated website, where you will discover the videos and blog posts that accompany my teaching story !
Narrative Transformation and Autoethnography
Here are several papers that I wrote for conferences that present the narrative model of mediation as well as writings about autoethnography, both are methods that generate relational transformation.
For the ESREA Conference 2018, Torino, Italy:
‘Togetherness’ and its discontents - Connectivity as well as belonging, cooperation, conflict and separation in biographical narratives of adult education and learning, I wrote a paper contribution about linkedness. "Linkedness: Relational Transformation and Conflict Resolution".
The 2017 ESREA Conference in Copenhagen brought together professors and researchers to share about biography and life long learning. Here is my paper "Writing A New Story".
At a Medical Anthropology at Home conference in Tarragona, Spain in 2015, I wrote a paper addressing 'Autoethnography and Self Transformation'. Here is my paper "Writing to Transform Relations".